Develop, produce and market products and customized services for various sectors of agribusiness.
Be a reference in the market in innovative solutions for the sector of agribusiness.
Innovative solutions, develop relationships and partnerships with transparency, commitment to results, environmental awareness.
Core Businnes
Constant search of knowledge to innovate and develop the agribusiness.
The company starts as Leonel Frias Jr. with the manufacturing and rebuilding of milling machines hammers for limestone
The corporate name becomes Industria e Comércio Mecmaq Ltda
Development of the first application kits for powder for agricultural equipment
Mecmaq's first product catalog
Machinery development and manufacturing of Industrial Seed Treatment and nebulization system
Mecmaq consolidates in the manufacturing market of seed treatment equipment in Brazil and outer
Development and manufacture of equipment application of herbicides in pastures and applicators furrow
The company expands its business with its branch in Itirapina/SP
Development and manufacture of the Cane Harvester for cachaça manufacturers
Development and manufacture of machines for Automated Industrial Seed Treatment
Development and manufacture of vertical seeds
Development and manufacture of equipment On Farm Seed Treatment with quality Industrial
New visual identity is implemented.
We have consolidated our strategy in the following areas: Seed Treatments, Planting Furrow, Livestock, Cane tree, Application of Polymers, Storage of Grains and Research.
- Abimaq
- Acipi
- Ciesp
- Embrapa
- Esalq
- Fiesp
- Simesp
- Agrivalle
- Agroceres
- Agroterenas
- Basf
- Bayer
- Belagrícola
- Bom Futuro
- Corteva
- De Sangosse
- Delphi
- Fertical
- Ihara
- Koppert
- Master Group
- Ouro Safra
- Rhodia
- Solomaq
- Sul Goiano Agro
- Sumitomo Chemical
- Verdesian
- 3 Tentos
- Coamo
- Comigo
- Coopercitrus
- Coopermota
- Coplacana
- Lar
Digital Channels
- Broto
- Orbia